Franklin Pierce was an underrated president.

It’s unfair to have 20/20 hindsight on “not taking a firm stance” on slavery. His intention was to seek compromise in order to keep the union together. Hindsight tells us now this wasn’t the correct approach, but i don’t believe his intentions were off. Is listening to multiple opinions a bad thing?

Also, he spearheaded efforts to reduce govt waste and spending. Something that was much needed at the time.

Began to establish US as a global presence by initiating trade with Asia. Was really the first president to definitely capitalize on that, and led to American Imperialism over the next 50-100 years which may have been morally incorrect, but a net positive for the country.

It’s a bit unfair to group him with the James buchanon / Andrew Johnnsons of the world.

All in all, I’d give him a 6/10 rating as president. What are some other positive things Pierce had done?