Platinum VP loss is completely ridiculous and ruins motivation to play ranked.
Won two games in a row, up to 23 RP from that (+11, +12). Lost ONE game and I’m back down to ZERO (-23). So basically I have to be at a 75% win rate to get only ELEVEN TO TWELVE VP?
Win 3 = 33-36 VP Gain Lose 1 = 23 VP Loss. Net = 10-13 VP gain after four games. Let’s say +11 on average.
At 75% win rate, it would take 36 games to rank up. With each game taking 30-45 minutes; that’s 18 hours playtime MINIMUM to go from Plat 3 to Plat 2. Assuming you’re at that win rate, which hardly anyone is.
Like, that is completely ridiculous and utterly stupid. You will DERANK at a less than 66% win rate. I enjoyed the climb to platinum but…yeah it’s just not worth it to try for more.