Male friends get upset at anti porn talk
Whenever I try to speak about anti porn with anyone online or offline, guys tend to shurg it off and become hostile "you're saying this to please the girls" "you're an incel". I've been positing about anti porn and anti sexual harrasment quite recently and get a lot of hate because of it. Only the women seem to agree with me with whatever I say, I get shit ton of hate and stuff like
"Women don't like these kind of men"
My usual response is that I'm not promoting anti sex brained society for getting women, that's like working for the reverse cause! I do it because I observe everywhere how porn brained and sexual the society has become, I also aspire to be a writer .
I'm constantly getting terms such as "incel" for speaking anti porn and focusing on the other aspects of a relationship. Like commitment and trust and comfort and protecting a girls emotions.
It's tiring really maybe I'm the wrong one, maybe I'm the one who's sex brained.
Edit: thank you everyone... For your kind words...