Do you think Immigration and abortion policies can reflect underlying white-nationalist ideologies?

I'm not definitively saying that it is or isn't. But something i keep coming back to is the concept that people simultaneously think that abortion is murder, but that it should also be regulated by the state, which doesn't make any sense to me. Abortion rights have historically been correlated partially with the idea to "maintain the white birth rate". The conjunct here would be that obviously abortion access is more likely in blue states, and that blue states generally have higher nonwhite populations. Again, you may think this is a generalization, i'm not saying these correlations are definitively true, but i'm curious to hear more about it from different people that may have more knowledge than myself.

Immigration I think makes the correlation in a much more subconscious manner. I'd say most people that hold white Nationalist beliefs don't realize that they do, but i think Trump specifically is heavily playing into this idea that foreign nonwhite culture is rooted in violence and generally subpar to american culture. He doesn't even sugar coat this concept when he makes statements like calling Mexican immigrants "rapists and criminals".

Statistically speaking, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than both documented immigrants, and natural american citizens, but that's irrelevant to his campaign. The last point of contention i'll emphasize here is how he never talks about undocumented immigrants from predominantly white nations, which of course does occur, and of course there's always going to be "criminals" from that mix. Perhaps He will apply his immigration policy to white undocumented immigrants, but i think it's unquestionable that white undocumented immigration is in no way part of his campaign.

You may say something like "they aren't coming here illegally at the same rate as non-white countries" or "violence among white immigrants is lower". My response then would be that it seems to be a bit of a double standard, because again, crime among undocumented immigrants is already statistically lower than other groups of people in america, and Trump doesn't just want to deport people who have committed violent crimes (his administration reclassified what's considered a deportable offense to include things such as traffic violations). So if his belief of mass deportation expands beyond just violent people, then why doesn't he talk about applying it to nonviolent white undocumented immigrants.

I'd love to hear what you think about these points, especially if you've seen similar patterns in other polices, or if you think there's another reason that backs the noted patterns above.