Feeling conflicted

TW: Talking about weight concerns . . . .

Hi all— newbie to this community.

I’m really struggling with this inner battle of “lose just a little more weight” vs. “you’re turning 33 in two months, your first born is 4, stop waiting and just start trying.”

I got pregnant with our 2020 daughter at 229. I gained 41 lbs because I just yolo’d with it being my first pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted. I got back to almost pre-baby weight, then my PCOS symptoms flared up and I put on more weight and struggled to get it off. I was 273 at the beginning of this year, I started semaglutide in March, and I’m currently stalled between 245/246 lbs but almost 30 lbs down! In my mind, ideally I’d love to get back to 229 but that’s still so far away. I’d also be okay getting pregnant in the 230s. I’m 5’8”. I had a healthy, no issue pregnancy with my daughter. I just want that again. I know that issues can arise at any weight.

Can someone just give me some reassurance? I desperately want to get started trying, but I’m so torn. I feel like I’m fighting with a biological clock.