About Auraxis population and lore
I've just finished reading the Planetside 2 lore on the fandom and I still have some questions :
1: Is the actual game canon to the lore ? (Like are maps the real maps, is power of each empires their real power (also for NS) etc...)
2: I've heard (I forgot where) that everybody had to choose an empire and fight for its empire, is it true ? Aren't there civilians ?
3: So there aren't city on Auraxis or even colonies, only facilities ?
4: So where does the industry is ? Nanite System could produce its arsenal in orbit (like the Sanctuary) but the empires industries mentionned on the EM1 or the P4-120 Kingsnake (sorry for VS mains, I haven't examples in mind 😅) ?
5: NS is rarely mentioned, so as its power, does its stranglehold over Auraxis and all the three empires is as powerful as in the game ? (By this question I mean that the lore and that good old trailer from 2012 show us the Auraxis war as a pretty violent and destructive war leaded by three pretty angry empires, and NS just give them some Lego buildings and Lego cars they can crush and make explode. But in the game, it seems like Nanite System has build everything and take care of each empire like its little pets and is just having fun looking them playing together in its garden)
Thank you for responding, even if you haven't the right answers, that would be even more interesting to discuss it.