Why don't put constructions in bases ?
Hi, I saw that not many people do like constructions in this game because it doesn't add much at the overall gameplay. Moreover, other people complain about the fact that taking bases is only worn on infantry and that vehicles goes quickly useless when there is no fight on roads.
So I wonder : what if we put several layers of destructibles (and maybe changeables) constructions around a indestructible core where is located the capture point. Also what if the limit of constructions were defined by the number of defenders ?
If we do this, constructions will still rest in the game and will provide stronger defense against those unstoppable hordes of ennemies that pop sometime and a customisable defense. Vehicles will be necessary to force entry and infantry will still the core of the game by tacking the capture point.
Maybe that constructions will even be craftable during a fight in fonction of the resources of the defending faction, defined itself by the quantity of capture points or the quantity of defenders. If we define this in fonction of capture points, it will added a kind of a process or a strategy to adopt for the attacking faction. For example, it will be necessary to take this capture point to prevent such type of construction, or to prevent constructions in a location of the base, or even to prevent constructions on all a layer.
Maybe it's the trashiest idea you've ever heard, and if it's so say it and why, but I would found this funny to play with step by step bases.