How not to kill my Pinguicula Tina
I've been wanting to get a carnivorous plant to help me take my revenge on the local mosquito population, and I've decided to get a Pinguicula Tina but I have absolutely no idea what I should be doing to take care of it beyond watering it with rain or distilled water.
I've read through some of the posts on here and the guides on the website I'm ordering from, but the problem is both seem to contradict each other so I'm now even more confused than I was when I started.
- The website's guide says that I should be giving it "plenty of indirect sunlight", but my area is almost always cloudy, and in the rare occasions when it's not my windows don't really get that much sun anyway, so I'm not sure if that's enough. Should I get it a little plant light or would that be too much?
- The site says not to put them in water trays and that I should just water them from above once/twice a week or they'll get root rot, but I've seen the exact opposite advice on this subreddit before, what should I actually do?
- Apparently this species of pinguicula doesn't do dormancy (Is that actually true?) so does that mean I just water it the same all year round? What about sunlight, it'll probably be getting less in winter (unless I get that plant light), is that a problem for it?
- If I decide to use rainwater, I've heard I should take steps to prevent it from growing algae/mould. Beyond storing the water somewhere that doesn't get sunlight, is there anything I can do to actually prevent that without resorting to chemicals that'd kill my plant too? I've heard you can plant pinguiculas in something 100% inorganic to prevent mould and they'll grow just fine, would that be a good thing to try? The site I'm buying from sells them planted in 50% perlite and 50% peat.
I also can't seem to find any info about this specific variety online, so if anyone has any good guides or any other tips/information about it that'd be appreciated.