X-40 Balls With Bad and Off Center Seams.

I bought a 12 Pack of X-40s from Scheels and was swapping old balls out with fresh ones when I noticed this ball with a very pronounced and off center seam. One half above the seam comes out more on one side while the lower half sticks out more on the other side.

After noticing this ball I went through the pack and found one more that was slightly off center with one side of the seam more pronounced but flush on the opposite side. One other had a very pronounced seam that was definitely more pronounced than the normal small seam thats commonly present, but it was consistent all around.

I've never seen any this bad before, almost like the mold was closed off center or not fully seated. In the past I've had pretty good luck with X40's and have never been too bothered by the small seams present as they wear down fast and don't cause playablity issues. On the other hand these ones are clearly bad, especially the pictured one being clearly off center enough I believe it's not playable.

Has anyone else noticed QC going down hill on X-40's or did I just get unlucky and get a bad batch with a 1/4 of the pack being bad balls?