Tips on getting an entry level role?

Class of 2023 still trying to get a QC (or anything tbh) role but not getting anywhere. Do the usual things like changing and using keywords from job postings before applying. Was getting an interview every 2-3 weeks before Christmas, and then nothing until now where its picking up again.

Classmates I know only got their jobs as they are able to commute by car, so I am working on the license at the moment.

Anywhere else to look for jobs besides linkedin, indeed, irishjobs, jobs, and monster?

If I don't get anything in the next couple of months I guess I'll have a look at springboard and see if there are any postgraduate or possibly masters that have a placement as I wasn't able to get one during my time at college due to me not be being able to afford to pay 2 rents or being able to drive. (Had to be in my locality)

Although I don't have high hopes as I was looking last year and didn't see any that interested me. I was told about reskilled, but I'm not sure if any apply to me as I have the BSc level 8, so I'm not sure if they are needed but would be open to it if anyone has good experiences. I've heard Springboard is hit or miss with its programs and colleges.

I'll also contact my career guidance at college if they have any advice.

Working at your bog standard retail job to save money for a car atm plus all the extras that come with it.

I've seen previous posts about how they had to move to get their foot in the door but it's not possible for me as I've been living in my flat since 2019 so the rent is relatively cheap and landlord is pet friendly which is a goldmine itself. Thirdly, the other half works locally, although it's remote, needs to be oncall to work.

Tl;Dr. Graduate of 2023 can't find a entry level job despite getting interviews some what consistenly, can't relocate but working on method of transport. Considering springboard or reskilled to get experience. At this point, I would just volunteer at a company to be a lab attendent to get some experience to chuck on the CV. Anything else I could be doing?