Private viewing before cremation

I lost the absolute love of my life on Sunday and luckily I had come across the website of where she will be cremated. It showed a private viewing was an option before cremation so I called them to ask if I could still do that.

They said it was perfect timing, as she was being picked up today and it could give them time to prep her. So I will be seeing her one last time on Friday.

Please let me know any experiences, if it traumatized you further, or have you peace. I am set on seeing her so I could let her soft fur and kiss her and talk to her. Were any of you able to get this close, to talk to them in their ear and just kiss them? I know it might sound odd to some, but I just want to kiss her so much and bury my face in her fur. I miss her scent. Will her fur still smell the same? I just feel like I am dying inside, this has been the worst pain I’ve ever felt.

Is there anything I should bring? Any suggestions on what I can do during our last moments. Would taking a photo be a bad idea? I know some will take photos. They said they’ll only give me 15 minutes.