Old women smell (horrible perfume)
I mean, I get that with old age comes a harder time with taking care of yourself, especially keeping up with your hygiene. I'm specifically talking about that perfume that every old woman seems to wear nowadays. That perfume that permeates through everything and sticks on everything long after they are gone. I don't know exactly how to explain it, smells like baby powder, but way more toxic and hair burning. Such an annoying smell that I have to put up with seemingly everyday. If you're going to bathe yourself in perfume, at least have it smell good! 😅 I'd rather smell the funk at that point. 😆
I just really want to ask is there some type of old people Network where they tell them what to buy!? Because there's no way almost every old woman I encounter has the same smell, no matter the city or state. For instance, one got on the bus today and the smell is still in here even hours later!
Just so you know: I am already well aware that body chemistry changes as we get older, it is not moth boss smell, it is a toxic perfume smell and I know how my nose reacts to chemicals. I am not shaming anyone, and I am not denigrating or trying to be a jerk. I just posted a pet peeve of mine that I experienced today. Anybody can be criticized and I get that everybody can have a bad day. So just before more negative or condescending comments come in, I'm just letting everybody know that. It wasn't even meant to be taken as a serious post, but people seem to think that I am being "ageist" or some have even implied "sexist". It's not that serious.