People on r/PetPeeves that just don’t like how others live their lives in ways that don’t affect OP
I haven’t been in this sub for a long time, but I have been in long enough to see post after post where people are “annoyed” by the dumbest shit.
And that’s fine, to a point. But do we draw a distinction between what a pet peeve is versus you just not liking other people or the way they do/say things?
Personally, and feel free to disagree, but I think a pet peeve should pertain to things that are directly affecting you or those in extreme proximity to you. Not just your perception and annoyances towards others online.
I’ll give an example:
Pet peeve: your roommate doesn’t replace the toilet paper when they use the last of a roll.
Not pet peeve: you don’t like that some people give their pets names based on what color they are.
One of these affects, or at least involves you, the other is just you not liking other people’s choices.
Both are valid feelings but only the former is a pet peeve in my opinion.