Does PF2e allow for intentionally failing a saving throw? I think so now.
I have read a few posts in the past that say "no it doesn't explicitly state that you can as it did in PF1 so you can't intentionally fail a saving throw" and I agreed with that for the longest time because I couldn't find anything in the rules that disagreed with that and a few spells specifically call out allowing you to intentionally fail. HOWEVER, I was going through and reading the Spells Rules and under Defenses it says "If a spell allows the target to attempt a saving throw or use their AC to defend against it" Allows being the keyword here. If you are allowed to do something you don't HAVE to do it. You are not required to attempt a saving throw or use your AC to defend against it you are just allowed to. For this reason I shall now be running that you can intentionally fail a saving throw. Is my logic flawed?