Has anybody tested the Payload or Long Fuse grenade support gems with Skeletal Arsonists?

I'm sure nobody has the answer to this yet, but it doesn't hurt to ask or get some theory crafting opinions. I can't test it myself since I don't have the supports yet since they are Tier 3.

So according to the data mined and posted on PoeDB the attack skill of the Skeletal Arsonist has the Grenade keyword. That tracks with how the ability looks for sure.

However, I'm a bit unsure on some points. For instance, grenade skills used by the mercenary have cooldowns, however this skill just has an attack time. Other minions have skills with cooldowns and if they have one it's definitely listed here. So, in my interpretation, Payload would give the "50% chance to activate a second time" but the "70% reduced cooldown recovery rate" wouldn't do anything since the skill has no cooldown.

As far as Long Fuse goes though, that's a bit difficult. From my experience so far, even if they don't hit an enemy, the arsonists grenades seem to immediately explode where they land, and create a short lived ignite ground effect, like a molotov.

The Attack Skills description says that Grenades explode on hit, so that seems like there is no Fuse Time, which matches up with how it appears to work in game.

Although there could be a hidden fuse time that by default is overridden by the "explodes on hit". If that is the case, then it could be influenced by the "cannot explode before the end of their fuse duration" of the Long Fuse support which might override the "explodes on hit".

Anyways, anybody have any thoughts on this one? Perhaps some info from playing a mercenary that might be relevant?


