Baby thinks "No" is funny

My LO just turned 10 months and is very mobile and adventurous. She started walking right at 9 months and since then I've really had my hands full! I've very intentionally tried to limit my use of the word "no" so that it is only associated with important things like stuff that could hurt her or others. However, I've found that now she is often doing things that do require it and, so far, she just finds it funny.

I usually very calmly, but firmly and in a serious tone tell her "no" and give her a second or two to stop the behavior. Then, when she inevitably doesn't stop, I repeat "no" and pick her up and remove her from the area. But what usually happens is I say "no" she turns and looks at me with a huge grin and starts laughing wildly as she continues to do what she's doing. When I say "no" again she laughs even harder and tries to keep doing what she's doing as I'm pulling her away. Then she laughs the whole time I'm carrying her to a new area and setting her down. Then she'll immediately try to go back to doing what she was doing before if I don't move her into an entirely different room. She's the happiest little baby you'll ever meet and I know she thinks it's a game and probably doesn't recognize that this new tone I'm using is a serious tone, not just a silly voice, but like, how to do I get her to understand? I'm totally at a loss! Help!