How much are you spending per child on Christmas gifts?

How much are you spending per child on Christmas gifts this year, or what have you spent in years past? My son is 5 and he’s an only child. Years 0-4, I went totally overboard and have no idea how much I actually spent. This year, I’m trying to take a different, more mindful approach to gifting. So, out of curiosity I searched on google what the average American family is spending per child on Christmas gifts and I was… humbled, quickly. So far, I’ve spent roughly $355 and have one more gift to get and his stocking to assemble, which will put my total spending around $550. I realize and am so grateful that I am fortunate enough to be able to do this but as we all know — just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD… am I spending too much? Am I… attributing to him feeling spoiled or entitled, etc.? On the other hand, I grew up with incredibly extravagant christmases and feel like I’m not giving him enough. Yuck. Lol. The $550 is only two big ticket items and three smaller gifts and then a stocking.