Pakistani people and their concept of marriage
In Pakistan, most people marry for reasons other than love or compatibility. Often, girls are married off for financial gain, while boys seek to marry to produce heirs. The concept of like-mindedness and understanding between spouses is largely ignored. The bride's family prioritizes wealth, while the groom's family focuses on physical beauty. I firmly believe that a deep understanding and connection between partners are essential for a successful marriage. Unfortunately, our society overlooks this crucial aspect. Arranged marriages, in particular, can be problematic. Two strangers from different backgrounds are expected to form a lifelong bond within a remarkably short period, often just 24 hours. This can be a traumatic experience, especially for girls. Having grown up in a society where interaction with the opposite gender is limited, it's unrealistic to expect individuals to form a deep connection overnight. Marriages based solely on financial security or physical attraction have a high likelihood of failure – around 80%. Even if they don't end in divorce, the couples may be doomed to live unhappily ever after especially for girls cuz they often have to face domestic violance cuz this. Alarmingly, Pakistan's divorce rates are increasing, with a 35% rise over the last five years.