Platinums you are close to but just can’t bring yourself to finish?

I'm surely not the only person who likes going for trophies, but only when I can realistically get them. I don't mind putting a little extra time in a game to get some more trophies especially if it nets me a platinum. But if it's either a massive grind or simply too difficult for me, chances are I'm giving up lol. So I wanted to see if there's other people out there who are like a trophy or 2 away from the platinum but 99.9% sure they'll never be able to get them. For me, here's a few:

Mortal Kombat 11 - last trophy I need is for completing all strategy tutorials. Might sound easy, but in order to get this I need to do a whole string of button presses in the right order with the right timing and I just cannot do it. I've tried, I've watched videos on how to do it and it's just impossible for me.

Steep - snowboarding game from last gen. I need to get 115 gold medals, I'm probably sitting at 110 or something, and the only ones I have left are challenges I'm not good enough for. I've put more time into these than I usually would trying to get them, and I've just come to accept I don't have the skills.

Powerwash Simulator - Get 5 gold medals in challenge mode. Don't have the patience to try this over and over. I have it a shot and thought it was frustrating more than anything so decided not to dump any more time into it.

Wolfenstein New Order - need to play the game (or at least the final boss with an exploit) on uber difficulty, I tried it once and just can't do it.

Ghostwire Tokyo - gotta get all souls and collectibles. Even while keeping an eye out for the souls, I think I only barely made it past 25%. I was actually planning on going for the plat, but once I realized how much time I'd have to spend grinding this out I passed on it.

The Quarry - all collectibles and finish the game without anyone surviving. Loved this game, but replaying it for trophies is a drag since you can't skip any cutscenes, and I remember there being a choice somewhere in the game where choice A makes collectible 1 spawn, and choice B makes collectible 2 spawn, and you can't get them both in the same run. It meant a lot of replaying from the start and that just wasn't happening.

Black Ops 4 - zombie easter eggs and getting all Blackout characters. Loved this game, and loved both those modes, but I'm not good enough to complete the zombie EEs and I needed like 1 more Blackout character but it was based on RNG/luck. Have to pick up a specific item at a location (and hopefully someone didn't beat you to it), and then get a kill with a sniper rifle from 200m away or something

Stray - speed run trophy and a trophy where you can't get hit during a chase. Tried the chase a few times, knew I'd never get it and didn't even bother with the speed run.

Horizon Zero Dawn - get 3 stars on all hunting grounds or whatever they're called. Thought I only needed 1 star, so when I got that on everything and realized I needed 3 stars I gave up since I didn't enjoy the game that much and would rather move on to something else

Crash 4 - get all gems/time trials/etc. Anyone who's played this game knows how brutal those are. I got as many as I realistically could and then moved on.

Titanfall 2 - top 3 gauntlet. Tried it, saw this one wasn't for me and gave up

MW2 remastered - trophy for beating the devs time in some sort of gauntlet, I got it in COD4 remastered but couldn't do it in this one. Only trophy left..