Related to the issue of hiring senior PHP developers - can we get some more details from hiring managers?

Hi all!

I have seen a few posts here and on other subreddits about the issue of people that cannot find senior roles with PHP, and I have also seen responses that hiring managers have interview people that claim seniority and are disappointed.

Now my question goes out to the hiring managers, can you guys please give us examples of what these interview look like ?

And please, not just "I want them to know OOP" or "I expect them to know some Docker/Linux". Specific examples with what you ask and, if you feel like it, what would be an acceptable answer to you?

Because some of us are just bad interviewers, or have different perspectives on your questions, and I think many of us would benefit from hearing from people that actually are involved in these interviews and not randoms you find on google these days that just write articles to rank in search.