Illari needs to be buffed

Illari was released into overwatch with an incredibly over tuned kit. This lead to her resaving a bunch of nerfs (which where warranted at the time). But now, with all of these nerfs and the introduction of the DPS passive, Illari is quite useless. The following his how I would buff her and the justifications I have for it. Feel free to give me your feedback on what i suggest.


Here is Illaris current primary fire


Maximum Damage increased from 70 to 75

Minimum Damage increased from 20 to 25


Illari had her damage nerfed ages ago because people said it wasn't fair for her to be able to 2 tap squishes. Now consider this, Illari has no strong utility based ability - such as immortality field, protective suzu, or discord orb - that allows her to buff/support her team. So I ask, why are characters WITH these strong abelites promoted to 2 tap these characters while Illari isn't.

Here is a list of support damage assuming they hit 2 head shots, landing every shot.

  • Baptiste - 300 damage
  • Kiriko - 240 damage
  • Zen - 200 damage, 250 (with discord orb), 500 (secondary fire), or 635 (secondary fire + discord orb)
  • Illari - 210

Also here is a list of the characters she can 2 tap (assuming she got the buff):

Baby D.Va, Tracer, Widowmaker, Echo, Juno, Lucio, Mercy, Moria, Pharah, Sombra


Healing Pylon Current Stats


  • Self healing from pylon increased from 20 to 30
  • Cool Down when under attack decreased from 14 - 12
  • Max. Range increased from 15 to 18 meters


Healing Pylon is Illari's only form of self sustain. In it's current state, it is mediocre in comparison to self healing/get out of jail free cards other supports have. So i have increased it's self heal to help give Illari slightly more sustain in fights. I have also increased it max range to help 1) encourage more interesting pylon placements. 2) to help illaris teammates get more usage out of pylon without needing to worry as much about their positioning.