Here is a Tank Hero Concept I made for Overwatch. Please feel free to give me any feedback if you want.
NEW HERO: Stronghold
Name: Balaram Chauhan
Age: 46
Nationality: Indian
Role: Tank
Health: 200
Shields: 450
Stronghold is a hulking man instead a hardlight Mech Suit. He's a heavily defensive poke tank. He can protect his backline and fortify chokepoints with his turrets, and protect his frontline with his Photon Barrier Projector.
Primary Fire – Photon Blaster
Long-Ranged Charge Rifle. Charge-up your shot to deal more damage. Shots pierce through barriers.
Effect Type: Hitscan
Damage: 15 – 75 damage
Falloff range: 30 - 50 meters
**Headshot: ✓ (**x1.5)
Rate of fire: 0.1 seconds recovery for reuse
Ammo per shot: 10 (max charge)
Ammo: 100
Reload time: 1.5 seconds animation
Cast time: 0.16 seconds (to min charge) 1 second (to full charge)
Spread angle: None
Projectile radius: 0.12 meters
Create a large Photon Barrier Projector that attaches to any surface and projects a barrier from it.
Cool-Down: 8 seconds (12 if projector is destroyed)
Cast Time: 1 second (deployment)
Max Range: 40 meters
Barrier Health: 600
Projector Health: 50
Projector Shields: 200
Duration: until destroyed or replaced
Area of effect (Barrier Size): 6 meters in hight, 6.5 meters in width. (Projector) – 1 meter in hight, 6.5 meters in width, 0.5 meters length.
Barrier Recharge time: 6 Seconds
- Hold to target where you would like to create a Barrier Projector. While targeting, you will see a projection of the Projector and barrier that shows the player where the turret will be placed when the button is released .
- Like Mei's Ice Wall, you can toggle the orientation of the wall.
- If the barrier or projector is taking damage, you cannot use the ability for 3 seconds.
- 8 second cooldown starts immediately after deployment.
- The Projector Base and Shield Barrier do not share a health pool. If the Barrier is destroyed, the Projector will go on either a 6 cooldown before reprojecting a barrier. If the projector is destroyed, the barrier will be destroyed, and the ability will be on a long 12 second cooldown.
Create a medium sized gatling turret that attaches to any surface. When an enemy comes within its range, it will wind-up before unleashing a volley of bullets.
Cool-Down: 14 seconds (16 if destroyed)
Charges: 2 (You can only have a max of 2 out at a time)
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds (deploy time)
Max Range: 35 meters (deployment) 40 meters (attack range)
Duration: Until destroyed or replaced.
Damage: 1.5 per bullet (Hitscan).
Rate of Fire: After preforming a 3 second windup delay, the Gatling turret will fire 18 bullets per second. 15 bullets per second (when under attack)
Ammo: 100
Reload Time: 5 seconds (If Ammo was fully depleted). 3 (If some Ammo is remaining)
Headshot: ✕
Health: 50
Shields: 100
- Hold to target where you would like to create a turret. While targeting, you will see a projection of the turret that shows the player where the turret will be placed when the button is released .
- The Gatling turrets have a laser attached to them and enemy players will hear the turrets winding up if they are near it.
- The turrets will lock onto the first enemy who comes within their detection range; however, they will switch targets onto any enemy with range you are damaging with your primary fire.
- If an enemy player leaves LOS or the detection range, while the turret was shooting them, the turret will stop shotting and go on standby for 1.5 second waiting for a player to come into range. Otherwise, they will just reload.
Ability 3 – KINETIC BLAST:
Launch a Explosive Ball of energy at an enemy. The Ball can absorb projectiles to increase its damage.
Effect Type: Projectile
Cool-Down: 15
Damage: 50 ~ 200
Headshot: ✕
Area of effect: 2.5 meter (explosion radius) 3 meter (Projectile absorption radius)
Projectile Speed: 37 m/s
Projectile radius: 0.9 meters
· Kinetic Blast travels in a straight line and explodes on contact with any surface or enemy player.
· Like Kinetic Grap, the projectile will absorb other projectiles that come into contact with it, increasing it’s damage from 50 to a maximum of 200.
Ultimate - Twin Mounted Heavy Gatling Turret
Create a large Twin Mounted Gatling Turret that attaches to any surface. The Turret has a forward-facing barrier. When an enemy comes within its range, it will wind-up before unleashing a volley of bullets.
Ultimate Cost: 2600
Cast Time: 4 second (deployment)
Max Range: 35 meters (deployment) 40 meters (attack range)
Duration: Until destroyed
Damage: 2 per bullet (Hitscan). 1.5 per bullet (when under attack)
Rate of Fire: After preforming a 4 second windup delay, the Heavy Twin Gattling Turret will fire 18 bullets per second. 15 bullets per second (when under attack)
Ammo: 250
Reload Time: 7 seconds (If Ammo was fully depleted). 4 (If some Ammo is remaining)
Headshot: ✕
Health: 100
Shields: 200
Barrier Health: 50
- Hold to target where you would like to create a turret. While targeting, you will see a projection of the turret that shows the player where the turret will be placed when the button is released .
- The Twin Mounted Heavy Gatling turret is big, therefor it cannot be placed just any area. For example, it cannot be placed on small pillars our in very small rooms. There must be enough space to fit the full turret.
- The turret has a forward-facing barrier. This is like beta bastions barrier.
- The Heavy Twin Gattling turret have a laser attached to them and enemy players will hear the turrets winding up if they are near it.
- The turret will lock onto the first enemy who comes within their detection range; however, they will switch targets onto any enemy with range you are damaging with your primary fire.
- If an enemy player leaves LOS or the detection range, while the turret was shooting them, the turret will stop shotting and go on standby for 1.5 second waiting for a player to come into range. Otherwise, they will just reload.
- Sombra can hack the turret to stun it for 15 seconds. OR use her EMP to destroy it.