Devastate the Enemy Team as the Talon Assassin - Hero Concept
Here is a very in depth concept for the Talon Assassin I made. Ever since the Retribution Mission I have always wanted to play as the Talon Assassin in OW. So this is my first draft at a hero concept for her, feel free to give me feedback on if it is op or not. I wanted her to be a dive hero that will be able to kill 1 target then retreat back to her team. She is very much a Hit and Run Style of hero.
Here is a lovely Imagine of the talon assassin.
~Talon Assassin~
~Hero Description~
Role: damage
Health: 200
~Weapon: Hard Light Armblades~ (Primary Fire and melee)
Two deadly melee weapons
Damage: 45 per Swing
Headshot: NO
Rate of Fire: 2 Swings/ 0.6 second
Max Range: 4 meters
~Passive 1: Wall Cling~ (Effect Type: Movement)
Jump onto a wall to cling to it. Being clung to a wall decrease Blink Dash cooldown.
Action: pressing the jump button while airborne and next to a wall, will cause you to cling to that wall facing away from it. Pressing the Jump button again, will cause you to jump from the wall.
Duration: Indefinite.
Blink Dash Cooldown Reduction: 2.4x cooldown reduction to Blink Dash while clung to a wall. (So, the cooldown will be 5 seconds instead of 12).
~Passive 2: Bloodthirst~
After killing an enemy player, gain a burst of Healing and refresh Blink Dash
Healing: 75 (the healing is instantaneous)
Blink Dash Cooldown: becomes Immediately off cooldown and can be used.
~Ability 1: Blink Dash~ (Effect Type: Movement)
Teleport forward in the direction you are facing. Being clung to a wall increases the distance you can teleport.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Max Range: 15 meters or 30 meters if used while clung to a wall
Movement Speed: Instantaneous
Notes: Like Tracer’s Blink, a red trail is left behind to help enemy players track you when you Blink Dash. If you Blink Dash towards a wall in range of your Blink Dash, you will automatically cling to that wall facing away from it. If you Blink Dash into the air, you will go into freefall. You travel through players when you blink towards them.
~Ability 2: Corrosive Coating~
Coats your Hard Light Armblades in a corrosive substance that prevents healing on enemies you damage with your Hard Light Armblades
Cooldown: 15 second
Healing Modifications: -100% received to enemies
Corrosive Coating Duration: 4 seconds
Anti-Healing Duration: Lingers for 3 seconds after not being damage by the Talon Assassin for 1 second while Corrosive Coating is active. If you are damaged by the Talon Assassin while Corrosive Coating is active, the Anti-Heal Timer resets.
~Ultimate Ability: Murder Frenzy~
Gain immense movement and attack speed and reduce your ability cooldowns dramatically. Also Permanently Coat your Armblades
2200 points
Duration: 10 seconds
Damage Increase: + 10 damage per swing
Fire Rate change: + 0.5 swings/ 0.6 seconds
Ability Cooldown Reduction: 2x cooldown reduction to Blink Dash. (Stacks with Wall Cling Passive).
Corrosive Coating: Permanently activate for duration of Ultimate.
Movement Speed: +30%
Notes: The Talon Assassin will laugh manically and drag her blades in the ground during Murder Frenzy. These will both be loud as to give away her position.