I will draw your OC but as a pony 🐎

IT'S FRIDAY FELLAS, drop your OC and I'll draw them as a pony (as in MLP). It will be a TRADITIONAL SKETCH but in the same style of the pictures, after all I drew them. I don't know how many I'll make yet but definitely at least 5, maybe more if I have time and stamina.

It's currently midnight in my country, so as soon as I wake up/have free time I'll pick my favorites, so keep them coming! - This is NOT first-come-first-serve, You have around (if not more than) 10-12 hours to send your OCs until I start choosing! - I WILL look through everyone. "Ah, there's too many comments/the post is old, maybe I shouldn't-" YES YOU SHOULD - I actually love drawing more extreme/unconventional body types so feel free to send your tall, short, buff, fat, curvy, stick-thin, whatever else OCs - I will choose the ones I want to draw. Don't be an asshole and downvote people, and also don't feel discouraged if you're a beginner artist, I often judge by the design instead of the art skill. - If you wanna increase your chances....... just sayin', I looooove alt designs and unconventional body types, do what you want with this information U_U I also generally draw dudes more often but I like to draw gals and pals too

If you read this far, include a 🐎 emoji, otherwise I won't consider you!