part time study or full time study?

hello im currently doing my a-levels in y13 and i have found that i really struggle to get things done and it just feels like too much for me to handle.

im wanting to do psychology at the open university… since i have adhd and autism would i cope with full time??? or would this be too much and better for me to do part time. i was considering full time for the first year as that isnt as intense ive been told. but part time for the next years as ive heard it gets really intense and difficult. however i just sort of want to do it all full time but idk if that would be a good idea due to my adhd. ik that i can switch to part time when i want to but what do other people recommend and what have other people done? is full time really that hard or have you been able to get through it? i know the open university recommends for people to do part time but is full time as intense as people make it??? or is it do able