Saitama (Dreamworld) Tier Placement - Community Tier List (June 2024)

Hello heroes!

Currently, Saitama (Dreamworld) is ranked S tier with the following Synopsis:

"A very large stick to beat enemies over the head with, his burst and overall output in the hands of a strong user is almost second to none. His form swapping isn't too difficult to work around, and transforming your defense into offense allows you to continue doing big damage even in the moments you need to be evasive, though his kit is ultimately one dimensional since it forces you to maintain a constant movement-focused offensive. As a result, his AI is unable to make the most of his kit in most fights, so expect to be piloting him. His SSR arms is one of the best boosts in the game, and with Genos and Prisoner Sonic, you have partners who can make great use of it. "

Please decide if he should remain in S tier, move up to SS tier, down to A+ tier, or otherwise. Please regard the topic here for tiering criteria:

Community Tier List Discussion - June : r/OnePunchManWorldGame (

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