Theory: Next One Piece movie idea.

Given the power scaling that is occurring since Wano, a lot of people have kept wondering where they could go next and if there are even any enemies worth fighting that the manga won't already go up against.
I have also shared these sentiments like others, and have come up with an interesting solution that could solve the power scaling issue.

What if instead of a new enemy for Luffy to face. But maybe a new enemy for Joyboy?
I am not referring to Luffy as return of Joyboy or Sungod Nika.
I'm talking about the ORIGINAL Joyboy.

My theory is that the next Movie will not take place in the near future, but 800-900 years in the past!
All the history and characters we have been meeting that have been shown to us could very well be put in great cinematic Movie form. Showing us the original story of Joyboy and how he became such a legend.
We could even see all of the original crew that sailed the seas with Joyboy who may even look and act similar to characters we already know and love. Or who knows maybe even some time travel movie where the straw hats crew MEETS joyboy.

Or maybe Enel comes back and they have to fight aliens or something I dont know.