What’s your opinion on PRN staff/if you are PRN what’s your experience with coworkers been?
Kind of a strange post, but it’s been on my mind a lot lately
I have been “full time” PRN at a major hospital for close to two years now, bouncing between multiple different floors and units
Recently, i have been feeling like more of an outsider, like my coworkers really aren’t a fan of me anymore, or are looking down on me for staying PRN so long, I’m feeling more distant, like i have to make an effort to have any casual interactions with the other full time staff, if i don’t acknowledge people then they will not be having any interaction with me, and these people i used to always chat with and talk about our weekends etc
When i first started, i felt very “included” all of the full time therapists were friendly, invited me to stuff outside of work, would say hi to me in passing, i feel like recently something has changed….i feel like im getting the cold shoulder more and more, and even trying to meet up with therapists outside of work to participate in hobbies has been hard.
At one point majority of the floors i would float to offered me a full time position, which i turned down for schedule availability/financial reasons
I feel like they disapprove of my PRN life, and my schedule flexibility, or they are envious of it, and to their credit i do deal with less stress and overall workload than they do, but im always willing to cover any floor and take any of the difficult patients off of peoples caseloads
It could by social anxiety getting the better of me, or my coworkers are just getting burned out and dealing with a lot of stress from hospital admin and such that i am shielded from, but i just feel like lately i have been noticing it more