Working with OSDD

In the last couple of months I switched jobs. I went from being a shift manager at a local fast food joint to factory work. Same pay, more benefits, more opportunities for pay increases, can listen to music, be as social (or antisocial) as I want or feel the need to be, and a whole lot less BS. Prior to that I worked at a gas station for over 10 years went from Cashier, to shift leader, and was the manager for over 2 years. So my brain has been stuck in the go position. Now that I am in a more low key job I am finally starting to recognize when the switches happen internally. I get this off kilter derealization/depersonalization sensation and then a brain lag (for a lack of better words). That 5-10 second of "what the hell was I doing?" while one part catches the other part up to speed throws me for a loop and knocks the groove completely out of whack. I could be on par with the machine I'm working and the next minute I'm behind and playing catch up. It's frustrating and exhausting. Sometimes I wish my brain would give me a break and not play hop scotch between parts. I don't know if it's because the barriers between parts has become more transparent (possibly due to EMDR) or if it's the more chilled out environment that's causing the wild spin of Russian Roulette. I just know that I don't know how to get it under control, ugh!