Studying nursing at 40 with a fulltime job…am I crazy? Has anyone done this?
Hi everyone 👋 Sooo this is my situation. I work in criminal justice with serious offenders, complex case management. My ‘speciality’ is complex mental health, after years of work in community service and a father who was a psychiatric nurse- he gave me a burning passion for understanding abnormal psychology. I was a bit of wayward teen, had kids early, didn’t do the whole uni straight out of school thing. If I could go back in time, I really wish I had done a nursing degree.
I’ve been tossing up the idea of just getting a clinical degree of late. I saw CDU offers nursing online, I’ve been figuring even if it took me 5 years to complete, I’d eventually have a future proofed degree and could move into psych nursing, area mental health etc. Is this impossible? Has anyone done it before? Should I bother? I get paid well and work for the government where I am. I just don’t know. I feel like I’ve got this unfulfilled ambition though - Both my parents were nurses and I guess I still have another 27 years before retirement!
EDIT: Just wanted to say thank you for everyone’s responses and insight. I really appreciated everyone’s point of view, it’s been a bit of a soul searching 24 hours ! For current nurses, y’all do amazing work. My partner has a lot of health issues so we are frequent flyers at the hospital, and as I said in my comments, I work extensively with area mental health clinicians in my current role. And for everyone who is/was studying AND working full time, thank you for sharing. I think you are made of stronger stuff than I because the current verdict is…probs not for me! I just have too many responsibilities, my kids are still at home, I have a great job. Yes, I wished I had gone to uni, yes I could study and make it work, but I think the cost vs reward probably doesn’t balance for me. If I stick it out at my job for another 4 years, I will be eligible to apply for entry into a forensic mental health cert under special circumstances. So whilst the spirit is still yearning, the body is weak and aging 😂😂