Why is non-binary not considered a threat compared to binary trans people?
I noticed that in the last 2-3 years people is paranoic with "Trans ideology" or that trans women could enter into female spaces or sports, or that youth get transition. However, why do people usually don't consider non-binary to be a threat?
For example, i've seen may examples, news, posts or speeches of how people consider trans women to be a threat to women in bathrooms, refugees, sports, etc; but i've only see 2 posts considering AMAB non-binary people to be a threat to women.
Many people (especially conservatives and radical feminisits) are worried about "Confused teenager girls influenced to transition" or identifying as a trans boy, but nobody consider that "girls identifiyng as non-binary" as a "threat".
I've seen how much conservatives are scared that "parents would force their children to have SRS or hormones" but almost nobody is scared about children indentifiying as non-binary.
Is there a reason beyond that?