Why would a port choose AGVs versus autonomous straddle carriers?

Weird question, but I have seen a big divide in cargo terminals switching to battery powered AGVs or switching to autonomous straddle carriers(whether they are battery or not is not what I'm trying to answer). What makes the decision to choose one over the other?

I imagine its a port-by-port circumstance decision, but after digging through the internet for the past few days, I cant really find any reason to the decision.

My thought currently is that when a port puts out a RFP and the handful of companies come back with a proposal, their systems are different from each other. Kone prefers AGVs and Kalmar prefers straddle carriers. So whoever they end up choosing in the end is what they're stuck with. Can that really just be the answer? Or is there a supply chain statistic efficiency gain of using one over the other?

If there is another answer I certainly haven't found it myself! Would appreciate any input :3