Discussion: With the Switch 2 looking like it's being officially revealed this Thursday (16th Jan), what are your predictions for the announcement / Switch 2 features?
Worth noting is that it seems like we won't get any game reveals in the announcement but feel free to make predictions about launch titles/Switch 2 exclusives nonetheless.
I think we'll definitely get a release date in the trailer which has me so happy (and also give time for my bank account to brace itself lol).
I'm really hoping the UI is a massive upgrade from the current Switch. Having gone back to the 3DS time and time again the thing that separates them both for me is the character the 3DS has and the lacklustre personality of the Switch. I hope and pray that we see this change.
What does everyone think the mysterious C button does? I can definitely see it being a communication button potentially and allow for some better social communication on the system (copium). It definitely won't be for capturing as we have the button for that already.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else thinks about the Switch 2 :)