Blowing up (then crashing back to earth)

Last month I reuploaded a 2 month-ish video that had recieved no views. I felt it needed another chance, as, while the subject was a little off beat, i thought it was my best vid yet.

Turns out I was right as it 'blew up' with 1.6k views and tripled my subscriber count (to a whopping 69 aubscribers (lol)). Most encouragingly, i recieved a lot of comments saying how they loved the video and lavishing me with (well deserved) praise about how im such a smart and funny boy (mom was right after all!)

This also came with a small amount of negative comments of course, which im fine with. Im doing commentary, so you have to expect to get back what you give out.

Anyway i had hoped that was a turning point, finally YT has an audience to point me to.

Cut to me a month later, my last two videos have had 0 views and less than 30 impressions between them, lol.

I deleted and reuploaded the stronger and older one after about two weeks hopin i might repeat the success from earlier. No dice, 5 days later, 0 views, 14 impressions.

Ive changed the titles and thumbs on both vids more times than i can count, giving each version a day or 2 to make an impact.

Not that changing the title or thumb really matters if noone ever see's them.

It seems no matter what i do, i just cant get impressions lol.

I chalked it up the the holiday season, ppl are busy. But here we are on 6th jan and 14 impressions weeks after uploads...

I dont even have words, its just very disappointing lol.

I plan to keep uploading. This is my 3rd channel, my first ever vid being about 1 year ago. Ive learned a lot and improved a lot. But i think im pullting incrementally less work into the vids, as the number of views and impressions just doesnt justify the amount of work i was originally putting in. Improving skills also makes it feel like less work tho ig.

Channel is 'Mythic Puller' if anyone cares to look. Let me know if you have any feedback on topic, titles, thumbs or content.

At the moment it feels irrelevant what the quality is tho, cant get views without impressions.