Made the worst mistake a parent could make

My baby got ahold of my vape.

Standard nicotine vape, it must have fallen out of my pocket when we were wrestling around.

I'm absolutely kicking myself right now. She is 14mo and puts absolutely everything in her mouth. We were playing when she pooped so I changed her diaper and I let her run around in her room while I threw away the dirty diaper.

I'm walking back to her room when I hear her gag then start violently coughing, I run in, thinking she gagged herself on a toy to see my vape in her hand and the screen lit up, indicating a puff was taking.

She was struggling for breath and coughing so hard her face was red and her eyes were bugging.

I started blowing in her face to try to get her to take a hard breath in (it worked) and patted her and loved on her until her breathing regulated.

I feel beyond guilty. I didn't even realize it had been in my pocket. I normally keep it in my car or jacket but I must have put it in my pocket this afternoon.

Ugh. These things happen so fast, it is so scary. Babies are so resilient but so fragile at the same time. I feel like such a trash mom that it was even in the house, let alone where she could get it.