I can’t believe I didn’t know about wake windows
I had no idea about wake windows until recently! My baby is now 2 months old and I’m following it now, but for the first 2 of his life I’ve been thinking he will sleep himself when he is tired. He falls asleep when nursing so In the first 6 weeks I fed on demand and my baby would sleep sometimes after 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, but most commonly would have hours where he was awake up to 3 hours, And every once in a while he will be up for 5-6 hours although rare. I then realized, no, at this age they should only be awake for an hour max, and more importantly they need help to sleep and won’t just sleep if they’re tired, after the hour mark they should be rocked to sleep or something to help them. I’m worried I’ve chronically overtired my baby now? The part I’m sort of struggling with is that when I was nursing to sleep he’d sleep so easily but when I rock him to sleep at the hour mark he will push against me and cry and fight naps, is it because he’s not used to sleeping this way or because he’s over tired or also not used to sleeping this frequently? I feel silly for not knowing this earlier. Any advice would be appreciated