Need emergency cosmetic dental repair, anyone recommend a dentist who does good bonding?

Update: I went with the Leggio people who did an adequate job, but the young dentist was unsure about it until he finally got started. Once he finished he was pretty happy about it.

I do not understand why these dudes think it's necessary to have a long discussion about things when I show them a picture of me with my same teeth but fixed, and say I was very happy with this, please do this again. Later if I want to destroy my natural teeth I will get caps, but I prefer to not damage my teeth and create a situation I'm going to have to deal with when I am on a fixed income in my 70s.

I have some cosmetic bonding on my front teeth that broke yesterday. I just wasted a couple hours in transit and in the office of a dude who apparently did not understand I am looking to have it fixed TODAY

Strong mansplaining vibes from him. I've had these teeth for my whole adult life and know exactly what I want and what I want is the gap left between the teeth filled with the composite just like they were yesterday when I woke up.

He's like "I have to explain all the options" and I'm like you can explain them but let's get on with this so I can go back to bed for a while. I am fully aware of all the options and we do not need to have a discussion about it, but I was thinking we would get to the repair but no.

He could have saved me a lot of time if he would just lead with that news so I can move on to someone who will fix it.

I have insurance but at this point I just want it done. I am able to pay for it out of pocket if someone can see me today.

Who's good?
