Inspired action? I need your perspective on this guys

Hey guys, long story short, I met this guy once we hit it off so perfectlv and even asked me on a second date while we were still on the first date. but my belief was that it was too good to be true so of course that started reflecting and he became distant, and told me that it's not gonna work out and we stopped talking. After that I completely unadded him from everywhere and it's been a month and a half and honestly I'm grateful that it happened like that because it brought me back to loa and my self-concept and my perception of reality are much much better. I've been affirming, visualising, etc. and for some reason deep down I've always felt like we will come back to one another somehow. My perception of the situation has changed a lot. In the beginning I was sad, hurt, angry but now when I think ab the situation of him not texting me it just feels like fuck it whatever. I've been seeing angel numbers and his name all over. I also can't stop thinking about him. I don't think it's from a state of lack but even when I don't want to think about him, he still constantly pops up in my head and it's actually even frustrating me cuz I just want him out of my head sometimes. Now my question is, where do you guys think this is coming from? Should I text him first? Because I don't feel like it's gonna be from a state of lack. I feel fine with or without him and with or without a response from him but I just CANT get him out of my head like I just want him to leave me alone at this point lol I'm not looking for someone to justify and say yes go ahead text him. I'm just looking to see your guys opinion on the situation because it helps me get a different perspective. Thank u guys in advance :)