Gender war stuff is incredibly counter productive, is actively reducing birth rates, and should probably be banned on a sub like this.
Yesterday I made a post here, which wasn't very well worded and some people misunderstood, but my basic point was this: High rates of singleness and short term relationships and low rates of marriage and long term relationships are devastating for birth rates. Unless young men and women socialize, get together, and stay together, children won't be born. About the half the comments were meaningful discussion. The other half was people throwing the entire blame on the other gender. Men blaming women and women blaming men. Misogyny and misandry. Why are we arguing over this stuff? These are societal issues, all society is responsible for fixing it, not just the half you dont like. Part of it was my fault for bad wording, but regardless it's all counterproductive. We can't just revert womens rights back to the 50s. We also can't just blanketly dismiss the concerns of men. Both of these positions, apart from being non solutions, alienate the other half of the world. If men alienate women and women alienate men, who will come together to have children? Men and women need to respect each other or else society crumbles. Two more posts have been made today basically about "how many women's rights do we have to take away before they start having children?" which just seems like a terrible line of discussion to encourage. I think the mods should take down anything which could be alienating. A lot of weird people on this sub need to keep their hateful opinions to themselves. TLDR: All talk about gender relations and responsibilities should be PRODUCTIVE and OPEN MINDED not ACCUSATORY and ALIENATING