Whats your relationship like with your daughter?
As a woman with a daughter, and you grew up being raised by a narc mum who did nothing but point out parts of your body and speak negatively of them, who tried as much as possible to add insecurities in your head, how would you describe your relationship with your daughter now?
I’d like to think if i ever become a mother and have a daughter, i’d love to do nothing but speak life into her. I want to show her what true unconditional love looks like, and i’d like her to know that she is more than just her body and that she’ll always be beautiful no matter what size, skin color or height she is. I’d like to create a safe space for her to always come talk to me about whatever that is on her mind without fear of judgement.
So tell me, whats your relationship like with your daughter as a woman who was raised by a narcissistic mother? What do you think led to you having that kind of relationship with her?