Dating a Covert Narcisst

Hey everyone,

I have finally healed enough in my journey to talk about my experience a bit and give you all a heads up.

My ex and I broke up a few months back. Our relationship was awesome and then out of nowhere he just left. I was really hurt and confused until I saw some similarities with covert narcissism. So if some of you guys don’t know, here are some correlations in my experience to look out for.

  • love bombing. He love bombed me honestly through and through the relationship. I remember second date he took a photo of me and hung it up on his wall. Lots of gifts, showing up. Acting interested etc.

  • lack of empathy. He had a hard time understanding where I was coming from, and would say my emotions are too much to handle. That they were weighing him down. He would apologize, but actions showed opposite.

  • subtle, passive aggressive remarks. “Man, you DO listen to that song a lot.” “I saw this one girl with this at work and you would look great with it too.” Little things that make you think huh? Then not react because you don’t want to look ‘insecure’.

-silent treatments/ long spouts of not talking. There were many times it took him hours to respond with little to no explanation. This is a way to get you to crave their attention.

-making you feel like you’re the best thing in the world. He told me that I was his person, he saw a future with me etc. He met my son a built a relationship seeming interested.

  • grand gestures. He was overly nice and happy to not only me, but his family, coworkers, friends, etc. Everyone thought and thinks he’s the shit. He will help everyone and overly exert himself for everyone else.

-having things in common. Idk now if they were just mirrors, but we had almost everything in common as far as interests, family values, music taste, hobbies. I was mentally SET he was the ‘one’ for me.

  • discard. They will find a small reason to dump you because for the past month or two they’ve already come up with reasons why you’ll never change and how you’re toxic for them. They are usually ones to permanently discard.

If you’re actively on the dating scene I wouldn’t be surprised to see him pop up in the next few months. Lives in CS, initials CM, early almost mid thirties. He has recently tried getting in contact with me twice and left presents for my family regardless of me not texting him back. All while of course acting like nothing has happened.

Dating fucking sucks out here and I had no clue people like this existed so keep your guards up ladies. Unfortunately now if you’re treated well it could be narcissism.