so I finished Nana (not the manga)
hiii not sure if anyone remembers me but I made a post a couple months back about how I dislike Hachi. I hadn’t finished the show yet so my opinions on Hachi were incomplete but now that I have completed the show I’d like to say my final piece on the character.
(Since there was some backlash last post I’d just like to say this is MY opinion, your aloud to agree or disagree but try to stay civil! Thank you!)
(First watch) Hachi was an interesting character to grasp, the first watch through really confused me because I couldn’t comprehend why this annoying, whiny, selfish character was so beloved by the fandom. By the time I finished my first watch through my feelings stayed the same LOL. But hey, I gave the show the benefit of the doubt because half the time I had it playing in the background. I rewatched it and it actually made a little more sense
(Second watch) Like I said earlier I was still confused on why this adult child was the face of the show. It was exausting watching her repeat the same mistakes over and over again then proceed to cry about it to Osaki or Junko. But it hit me that the reason why I love this show is because of the realism. I hate to admit it but majority of the big mistakes Hachi made are things I’ve done as well. You need to put yourself in Hachis position to understand. When your viewing as a third party with no emotional value, the solution to her problems will be practically highlighted in red. Now that’s I’ve glazed her enough 💀 , i am by no means excusing the things she has done, I’m just saying it’s realistic. I sympathize with her actions heavily but I can’t find myself to actually like her character. Hachi is just insufferable, she is not a good person. To be honest nobody in the show is a good person (except for my boy Yasu) but there would be no show if the cast were all perfect. I understand why people like her if it’s because of how realistic she is, but do people actually like Hachi for her presonality? If you happen to be one of those people I’d love to hear your reasoning because I really do want to love this fantastically written character, but I just can’t.
(SUMMARY) first time I watched Nana I hated Hachi because she was annoying. Watched it a second time and understood that her actions were realistic and that her flaws are what make her a good character, but I still think she’s annoying. Great character, bad person (lmfao this is like 90% of the Nana cast but wtv)
well that’s it! Thank you for reading this, also this is all based on the Anime, I’ve yet to read the manga and honestly im not planning on reading it. But if its kind of crutial to the story I’ll give it a shot. LMK WHAT YOU THINK!!!