Appealed NOPD still got DQ’ed took another exam.

About a year ago I was DQ’ed Psychologically they said I wasn’t fit for the job no history of mental issues, or counseling, no medical issues. I was an active duty Army Veteran and Afghanistan Veteran now currently National Guard. After wasting my time and money appealing my case i got my psychological report from Dr. Janonson saying I was more than qualified with the personality trait for the job and scored better in than the average person with no previous experience. I was told that once the civil service commission makes a decision you can’t take the test again. But I was also told to take the test again as well by people on the job who said it doesn’t matter. Personally I believe there is a bias in their decision to decide who is fit for a job. But I have proof of my psychological results and mental fitness. Will this affect me trying for a second time?