For the other lonely souls such as I from IA, I noticed there haven’t been too many posts about our MPJE. So since I took mine today, I thought I’d share some things I would focus on and know for the test.
• Hazardous drug compounding (I had like five questions on this I swear) • When you can take verbal controlled substance prescriptions • DEA 222 forms • Disposal of controlled substances and hazardous drugs • Things a tech can/can’t do • OTC schedule 5s (I also had like ten questions on this) • Counseling requirements (when to counsel, documentation, etc) • I feel like there’s always one question of “which of the following is a schedule 3 drug?” or something like that where you have to select which drugs are in the specified controlled substance class
I didn’t receive too many questions about FDCA, Durham-Humphrey, PPA, etc.
I also had one or two questions straight off of (although the answer selections were different slightly) but I would definitely utilize that free exam.
There were also a few similar (repeat) questions where if you’re like me and don’t know the answer the first time, you have to either go all in or switch it up. 🤪
Most if not all questions (ok, not all of them, but maybe 50%) were either SATA or K-type questions. My worst nightmare 😰😰
For reference, I got a 75 on the Pre-MPJE and a 75 on the practice. I bought the Iowa Board of Pharmacy MPJE study guide and read through the IA laws. This was helpful, but I feel like a lot of the material on the actual test was random and not really covered in the study guide. I do think it was a good resource though.