If I were to interview Jiwon post show because I just watched episode 16 (I had to master up courage and watch later after accepting jaeji is not endgame)
Disclaimer: This is not to hate on jiwon. I just want to share questions I would have asked her post show if I had a chance since most of the things she said were very confusing. And I was left baffled.
- Jiwon, did you genuinely like Jaehyung or were you just curious?
- If you were just curious, Why did you tell Jungsub that you wanted to concentrate on Jaehyung and Why did you make it seem like you were going for Jaehyung only to Chulhyun when you still had yongwoo at the back of your mind?
- why wait until the last night to tell Jaehyung you would still ask yw for secret date even if choa was still in the picture? Why not approach him in the earlier days?
- Don't you think you approaching yw earlier would have been better than leading Jaehyung on, making him and the whole house think you were only into him?
- Is your ideal type really a cute, hardworking man or a guy who is like a older brother or dad? It keeps changing and we are all confused.
- Don't you think instead of wanting a oartner who is like a big brother or dad. You should work on your relationship with your brother and dad?
- Did you genuinely think a man who led someone on for 16 days and suddenly claims they fell for you is more reliable than a man who took it upon himself to reach out to you to help you with your bags first night even though he was awkward around you?
- Do you really believe in fate? If so, how did you believe yongwoos story about fate even after he himself said he doesn't believe in fate?
- Do you want someome different or similar to you? Because the seemed to change alot too.
- Why did you not just admit that you liked Yongwoo more instead of the "we are different" "we didn't have enough time" excuses? Why not just be honest?
- Do you still think a man like yongwoo is more reliable than a man like Jaehyung?
💀 Feel free to add other questions.