Is the 200% completion achievement worth it?
So a little while ago I saw someone's post about the 200% fossil completion and also took the time to actually open my eyes and spot the 200% completion bonus in the task/challenge/quest menu (I don't even know what to call it).
So far I have managed to get 2 fossils to 200%, but I think that either it is way too time consuming, or I am missing something.
I am going to use the BRONZE level Velociraptor fossil as my example for this. So lets say you complete this fossil to 100% and you want the 200% bonus, the Velociraptor fossil cost $100 to excavate and does NOT allow a 3rd fossil to spawn** (not enough space), so seeing as each extra fossil is 1% towards the total and you get 2x fossil parts each excavation, you would need to complete 50x excavations to get the 200% achievement. This would cost $5000 to get the 200% fossil. Now $5000 isn't much, but what if you wanted to complete a platinum fossil?
Now I will use the PLATINUM level Mosasaur fossil as an example, this fossil costs $80,000 per excavation, if you don't use an extra fossil bonuses you would still need to complete the 50x excavations, which would cost $4,000,000 coins. Lets say you somehow manage to use the extra fossil spawn add-on, you would still need to complete 34x excavations (rounding obviously as you can't do 33.33333 excavations) still costing $2,720,000.
Sorry to bombard with all the numbers and whatnot, but I just don't know how it will be worth grinding through and getting all fossils to 200%. Especially seeing as I don't actually notice an extra 'sparkles' or income as another user mentioned. I have completed and found all fossils, and all the alternate poses available, but other than that I am unfortunately losing interest, I want to keep playing as this is one of the few games involving dinosaurs that actually stands up and usually keeps me interested.
I think another issue contributing to my drop in interest with the grind towards 200% fossils is the inability to actually display all the fossils. I would love to categorise each floor/room with particular fossils (flying, marine, mammals etc.) but it is physically impossible, especially when the platinum ones take an entire room.
Is there a way to contact devs to see if there are plans for updates involving more museum space?
Please help me rekindle my interest in this game :(
**NOTE- while completing the Velociraptor fossil I did notice a few occasions where only 1 fossil spawned, this only happened a few times so didn't really include in my "calculations"