Why I am not attracted to conservative traditional practicing women (like Salafi women)

This comment of mine I made some time ago perfectly summarizes everything:

A pious traditional and conservative woman hates following the traditions and customs of the 'immoral west'. She hates the behavior and ways of the disobedient and immoral women. She hates how they dress slutty and revealingly, how they go around being promiscuous, mixing with men, doing sexual and degenerate things. She believes she has to be a pious slave of Allah and never be like these women. She has to dress in niqab and burqa. She has to be modest and shy and behave like a devoted woman of God even in front of her husband.

Therefore, if her husband asks her to dress in a bikini or yoga pants or tight revealing dresses like these Instagram girls do, she will be disgusted by it. She will have some sort of disgust towards her husband for wanting her to be like these immoral women. For wanting her to behave like a degenerate when she wants to make Allah happy and be modest.

Respectfully, I'm not attracted to such prudish and boring 'modest' women. They are clearly not as attractive as these non-hijabis or these half naked scantily clad western women. And they are clearly not gonna be sexual and wild for their husbands neither will they dress up or behave like these western women do because the difference between Muslim women and these immoral women is huge. There is a huge difference in the mindsets and attitudes. Muslim women are never gonna be open to doing that sort of stuff and dressing like that.

I don't hate my practicing Muslim sisters, I'm just not attracted to them. That doesn't mean I hate them. I'd rather stay single for life, face depression and misery, face the risk of falling into zina and I'd rather commit suicide than be made to marry these women because Islam said so.