Falling into sin because of desires
I shouldn't admit my sins like this but I have almost fallen into sexting 2 times. It took Allah's help and self control to stop myself. I think if Allah hadn't deprived me of any opportunity to have sex and if He hadn't made me unattractive to women, I fear I would have easily fallen into zina given my sexual frustration which led me to try to go for sexting. It will need a lot of self-control and mental discipline in order to combat all temptations to fall into zina or masturbating later on when I'm financially capable and independent and can do whatever I want.
People can say go get married to avoid falling into zina. I would consider it but akhis here have talked me out of marrying non-hijabi tabarruj merchant women I am attracted to, so sadly marriage is not a possibility. I have given pursuing all women for the sake of Allah and chosen to stay celibate and devote myself to my purpose.