What were your thoughts on Josh & Laurel throwing in Wes on WOTW2? (S34E3)
Laurel overheard Wes saying that Josh was 'fired,' too emotional, and essentially disposable (because Josh sort of went back on what he said that he would do).
Laurel told Josh, and they decided to toss in Wes.
What were your thoughts on this, as far as game/strategy go as well as the social aspects?
I would have been dumfounded, if I was on team USA. You would normally want to weaken your competition, so throwing in a good player from the UK would give you a better shot at that. What benefit would there be to throw in one of your own strong players?
If Josh's reasoning was that Wes would try to get rid of him, he had another round of eliminations/challenges to get through before that would even be possible (and it wouldn't be likely, if Josh performed decent and wasn't causing a bunch of issues - team USA would not allow Wes to throw him down). In other words, unless Wes somehow ended up in the power group, along with an ally who would vote with him, he couldn't get rid of Josh. And even then, doing so would have made Wes public enemy #1 with his team for turning on their own (although he was already on the outs anyway)
Perhaps several eliminations down the road... but did Josh really think that the rest of the team would never put him in either?
The way that Laurel suggested it to Josh certainly seems like she was hoping to turn on their team and get rid of Wes. What would have given her the justification to start cutting her own team? She didn't like Wes, but that's not really enough reason. Was she just super close with Bananas, and hoping to strengthen his place on the team? Is she just the type of person that likes to light fires and watch everything burn?
No matter how many times that I watch this one, I'm still surprised by it. Turning on your own team, because someone didn't like what you were doing, seems irrational and counterproductive (because now then, you are the person who took the first shots at your own team members).