Speculation about a possible misKonception regarding Omni-Man and his fatalities

Edit: ok this post was a very very long reach, and I will never cook again. I apologize for my blunder 🙏🏻

So, at the end of the Omni-Man trailer, we see both iconic Red Rush kill and the Train sequence as a fatality. I’ve seen people say these are going to be two separate fatalities, because that’s how it appears in the trailer, but what if it isn’t?

I don’t know if this is how it was for previous guest characters or character reveal trailers in general, but isn’t everyone’s second fatality usually hidden? Like, we didn’t know everyone’s second fatality until the game actually came out and people unlocked them.

My speculation is that both the train sequence and the Red Rush kill are one fatality. It would be a long ass fatality if so, but I think it might be the case (and I’m hoping it is as well, so I am definitely biased). In the scene for the train sequence, Scorpion is still very much alive (you can see his face emoting and his arms and legs are still dangling and intact), so unless, like in the show, after that he just slams your face into the ground and kills you, what if he flies you back up to the surface and then he pops your head? [I realize now after actually typing it out it sounds kind of silly, like why would he fly you back up to the surface before killing you like that, based on the fact we see the stage they were fighting on in the background when he does kill you]

I love both fatalities regardless and I’m a very big Invincible fan, but what if both of those fatalities are connected, and there’s still one we haven’t seen, but two different characters were used to make it seem like different fatalities? Is it out of the realm of possibility and I’m just being too hopeful?

Do guest characters or post launch characters usually get both fatalities shown in their reveal trailer??